The Best Beauty Hacks for a Flawless Look

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Published: August 30, 2024

woman happy

Looking for a way to make your skincare routine more powerful and effective? That’s where Avinichi can help! Read on as we share some of the best beauty hacks for achieving skin that looks utterly flawless, radiant, and beautifully healthy.

Apply Your Skincare Products to Damp Skin

Purifying Toner

This is one of the simplest beauty hacks out there, purely because you can give this one a try straight away, without needing to purchase any additional products. The purpose of this hack is to increase skin hydration levels. This, in turn, will encourage your skin cells to function to their full potential.

All you need to do is ensure that your skin is damp each time you apply one of your skincare products. How? Start by only partially drying your skin after cleansing, so that it still holds some moisture. Then, apply your next product while that moisture is still there. This will seal that moisture in rather than allowing it to evaporate away. 

While it’s true that each product you use should be given a little time to absorb into the skin before it’s followed on by the next, this doesn’t mean that your skin should fully dry out in between products. So, once you’ve applied your post-cleansing toner or serum, wait for a few seconds to give that product some time to penetrate before following up with the next product in your routine. If your skin happens to dry out too much in between products, give it a quick swipe with a hydrating toner to add some moisture back. The Avinichi Noni Pore Purifying Toner, which is packed with an array of hydrating ingredients, would be ideal for this!

Combine Hyaluronic Acid With Aloe Vera

Liquid Lift Overnight Melting Mask

You’re probably familiar with hyaluronic acid. This humectant is one of the most popular skincare ingredients around due to its incredible hydrating capabilities. It binds moisture to the skin to immediately leave it feeling quenched and plumped up from within.

However, hyaluronic acid isn’t the only humectant out there. There are plenty of others too, such as collagen, glycerin, peptides, and, of course, aloe vera. The latter is particularly impressive because not only does aloe vera hydrate the skin, but it offers up so many other benefits too. It’s known for how it lowers the feeling of inflammation, diminishes the appearance of aging, and leaves skin cells feeling stronger and healthier thanks to its powerful vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

So, it only makes sense to combine these two superstars whenever possible. This way, you’ll be doubling up on hydration while also treating your skin to so many other beneficial properties. 

There are two ways to do this. You can either use two separate products, one containing hyaluronic acid and the other with aloe vera, or you can find a formula that makes use of both. This is exactly what the Avinichi Liquid Lift Overnight Melting Mask does. In fact, this leave-on mask takes things one step further by also bringing in other hydrating humectants. These are combined with superfood antioxidants, all of which come together to revive the complexion.

Skin Flooding

Hydrating Collection

Also known as moisture sandwiching, skin flooding is one of the best beauty hacks for quickly bumping up your skin’s hydration levels. This gives it a gorgeous dewy glow that you’ll absolutely love!

So, what exactly does this hack involve? It’s all about intensely hydrating the skin in layers. By sandwiching your hydrating ingredients in this way, you’ll be able to ‘flood’ your skin with moisture. Many find this to be a very effective way of hydrating the skin.

Want to give this hack a try? Start by cleansing your skin and then applying a hydrating toner. Then, follow this up with a hydrating serum. The Golden Sculpting Serum from the Avinichi String Lift Sculpting System would be a good one to go for. It contains six forms of hyaluronic acid, plus a few other humectants, making it exceptionally hydrating!

After this, apply a hydrating face cream, such as the Mulberry Velvet Silk Creme from Avinichi’s Mulberry Hydrating Regimen. Again, it’s brimming with hydrating ingredients. It’s perfect for a skin flooding routine!

For most people, those products would be enough. However, if your skin is severely dry or dehydrated, you may want to finish off with a hydrating facial oil. Not only will this provide some extra moisture but it will also seal in all of the other products that you apply, pushing them further into your skin.

Cleanse Immediately After Sweating

Noni Clarifying Lather Purifier

Hopefully, exercising is a regular part of your lifestyle. Not only does this benefit your physical health, but it does so much good for the skin too. Research shows that exercising boosts blood flow to the skin while also increasing moisture levels. It rejuvenates the appearance too while leaving the skin feeling stronger in structure.

However, with exercise comes sweat. This isn’t necessarily bad for your skin in small amounts. It can have a hydrating effect on the skin while also helping to purge impurities and pollutants from the pores.

The problems arise when sweat is left to linger on the skin. At this point, it needs to go somewhere. If you don’t remove it yourself, the only place for it to disappear to is back inside your pores. Once there, they’ll contribute to congestion and blockages. This will then increase your chances of developing acne breakouts.

To counter this, always cleanse your skin immediately after exercising. If you’re working out outdoors and don’t have access to running water, take some facial cleansing wipes with you. They’re not as good as a proper cleanse but they’ll be better than allowing that sweat to sit on your skin. Then, once you’re back home, give your skin a thorough cleanse with a proper cleanser. The Avinichi Noni Mousse Cleanser would be a good choice if your skin is dry or sensitive, while the Noni Clarifying Lather Purifier is loved by those with oily and combination skin.

Steam With Green Tea

Noni night repair cream

Have you ever tried steaming your skin? It’s a popular technique that’s often utilized in spas. The purpose of it is to dilate pore openings so that a larger amount of impurities can be removed.

While facial steaming may be one of those beauty hacks that has been around for generations, people are now pushing this even further by using green tea, instead of plain water, for their steam sessions. Why? Because green tea is loaded with potent antioxidants that can work wonders on the complexion. Using green tea in your steam means that not only will you benefit from the regular effects of a facial steam, but you’ll also be bestowing your skin with all of those powerful compounds that are capable of reducing the appearance of aging and brightening the complexion.

You could even double up on the benefits of green tea by following your green tea steam with a green tea-infused skincare product, such as the Noni Night Repair Cream from Avinichi. You’ll find several other antioxidant-rich botanicals in this formula too, making it great for encouraging a flawless glow.

Vitamin C + Vitamin C

You’ll often see beauty hacks that talk about combining two specific ingredients for better results, just like when we discussed using hyaluronic acid with aloe vera. This hack is similar but, rather than utilizing two completely different ingredients, it’s all about doubling up on the same one.

You’re likely familiar with the benefits that vitamin C offers to the skin. It’s one of the most multi-purpose skincare ingredients available. Whether you’re dealing with the appearance of aging, acne, dark spots, dehydration, or just about anything else, vitamin C can help.

With that said, the type of vitamin C that you use will influence the results that you see. There are several out there and while they all work toward the same end goal, they do so in slightly different ways. For example, ascorbyl palmitate is fat soluble. This means that it works well in the lipid layers of the skin. On the other hand, ascorbic acid is water-soluble. This makes it a great ingredient for targeting the aqueous layers of the skin.

This means that if you’re hoping to see maximum benefits from the vitamin C that you use, it would be best to combine more than one type of vitamin C. While you could opt for two separate vitamin C products, each with a different form of vitamin C, an easier option would be to find a product that has been formulated with multiple types of vitamin C. This is where the Avinichi Hydrating Multifruit C-Serum really shines. With both tetrahexyldecyl ascorbate and ascorbyl palmitate, it boasts two forms of this much-loved antioxidant. 

Pay Attention to Your Pillowcase

When it comes to easy yet transformational beauty hacks, this one really stands out. After all, your skin comes into contact with your pillowcase for several hours each night. So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that your pillowcase can have a big impact on how flawless your skin looks.

There are two aspects to consider here. The first is cleanliness. Ideally, you should be washing your pillowcase every few days. Even though it may not appear to be dirty, it will gather dirt, bacteria, sebum, sweat, and more each night. This then transfers back onto the skin the next time your pillowcase is used. Keeping it clean helps to eliminate this, minimizing the quantity of impurities that your skin comes into contact with.

Pillowcase material is important too. Silk or satin are the best fabrics to go with for two reasons. Firstly, they don’t stimulate friction when your skin rubs against them. This helps to prevent the appearance of wrinkles. They also don’t absorb moisture from the skin in the way that cotton and other materials do. This will have you waking up to skin that feels softer and better hydrated.


There are plenty of beauty hacks out there that aren’t worth following. In fact, some can be downright damaging! However, if you’re looking for a way to simplify or amplify your skincare routine, the beauty hacks that we’ve shared above can all be trusted. Give some of them a try and it won’t be long before you notice your skin looking healthier than ever!

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